Friday, February 15, 2008

Smoothing Skin

This is a great trick especially for those summer pictures when your skin is shiny from the heat and sun!
  • Open your picture in Photoshop
  • Duplicate your Background layer by right clicking and selecting "Duplicate Layer"
  • Switch to the quick mask mode by clicking on the "Edit in Quick Mask Mode" button in the tool bar. It's towards the very bottom - a square with a circle in the middle.
  • Select your brush tool and change it to 35 with a soft edge
  • Press "D" to reset colors
  • Now using your paint brush, paint the face or parts of the face you want smooth. This is going to be your selected area (if you paint a part of the picture you do not want painted hit "X" and just erase that part. Hit "X" again when done to reset your colors and begin again.)
  • When you have the areas you want painted hit "Q" to exit the quick mask mode.
  • You should have a selection around the face. Now go Select -> Inverse then Select -> Feather. Enter 10 px
  • Filter -> Blur -> Surface Blur and try to find a number that looks good on your picture. I wouldn't go any higher than 11 though
  • Then you are all finished!
Before and After - There should only be a slight change but notice in the last one my skin looks much smoother

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a great blog! I can't wait to try these tricks!! Thank you!!